Cordyceps double extraction mushroom tincture


The mighty power of C o r d y c e p s ๐Ÿ„โœจ๏ธ

Cordyceps comes from the Greek word Kordyle, meaning club and ceps, meaning head.
It is the fruiting body of fungi parasitizing other fungi or insects, such as catapillers of moths, ants, or beetles.
The spores dispersed by the cordyceps sit in the soil and attach to the bodies of insects. Wow!

Now let's talk about some of Cordyceps' many medicinal benefits. . .

It is a lung and kidney tonic, increases red blood cell production, sperm production, and strengthens qi. Good for colds and cough, sexual disfunction, anemia, and even joint pain.

It regulates menstruation and cycle and helps metrorrhagia during perimenopause specifically, as well as helping with fibroids, endometriosis, and PCOS.

In Japan, it has been used for centuries for postpartum exhaustion, as an antibiotic and as an aphrodisiac.

Cordyceps strengthens the mind and body and restores depletion from excess stress.

It is also documented to restore the lungs and as a metabolic (liver, brain, heart, and kidneys) enhancer and balancer as well as aids in loss of stamina and energy.
And, it aids in balancing cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

Cordyceps in high in amino acids, lots of vitamins and minerals, and has many clinical trials backing up its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-oxidant properties.

I could go on and on, truly, and love reading and writing about our plant and fungi friends so much.

Fungi, they are powerful healers. Known to recycle, transmute, and transform us humans and this planet alike.

We are so lucky to have so many allies, all around us, that aid in restoring and rebalancing us.

Oftentimes, I wonder if we deserve them. ๐Ÿงก
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